Get social media data backup easily

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First of all you have to understand the necessity of social media backup.  For those who wonder why it is important to back up and save your social web history of blogs, posts, comments, etc. So the reason is that every social media have its personal data backup policy for example Twitter's API only lets you retrieve up to 3,200 of the tweets you've entered into the system. If you have tweeted more than 3,200 times, your next tweets are gone and Flickr allow you to see only 200 recent images [unless you pay for pro account feature] uploaded on your account. Social media data backup is also for if a site goes down/server down, hacker deletes your data or you lose it by your own mistake.

There are many services which can do this work efficiently and in one click you can backup your social media data but point is that these services offer this feature for limited social media services either those charges for this job but if you are not willing to backup on daily basis; you can choose free trial period thus without charge you can do it all for you. Below given links can do that for you:
