Convert your file formats easily in chrome

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You can convert various type file formats in chrome with a simple chrome app, which you can get from here and you can see supported formats you wish to convert from formats.

Yes many apps/software and extension can do that but this app is amazing because it will offer some extra feature which you will not find surely anywhere. So what are the feature of this app? From below-given things you will understand:
  1. It will do file conversion without any charge; with its free account, you get 25 file conversion free daily.
  2. it supports about 205 file formats.
  3. You can choose file upload from your device, any Url, Google drive/Dropbox and Onedrive.
  4. You can choose the destination of converted file to upload automatically to Google drive and Dropbox.

So if you wish to do file conversion then click this Cloud converter which take you to Cloud converter app in a chrome store. Now add this app to your chrome browser account. After adding the app to your browser open, that will take you to below-given page.
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Now you have to sign up which is top right corner of this page, for signing you can choose your google account email, As you can see the image, first get 1. Select files box to select file from the device and its drop down menu for uploading file from Google drive/Dropbox and Onedrive. From 2. Convert it box you can choose to which you find good for you whether to notify you to finished conversion or save the file to your cloud store a/c. when you have selected file you will find this on given page.
as you can see here is png file for example and there is jpg dropdown menu next to it. You have to click on this drop-down and choose your format.
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Now after choosing your format, go to  Start conversion in  right side top and click it, in little time your file become convert and ready for the download.
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You have done it.
